Please check each report for errors involving your own library’s items:
Updated 12/9/24 A report of items with a price field higher than $2,500, which could indicate a mistake. Download: priced too high – 12/9/24
Updated 12/9/24 A biannual report to reveal items with a number of renewals that exceed the renewal limits, as defined in the Resource Sharing Standards. Download: Too Many Renewals – 12/9/2024
Updated 12/9/24 A biannual report of items in repair for more than 4 months. Please check whether the items’ statuses needs to be updated. Download: In repair report – 12/9/2024
Updated 12/9/24 A biannual report to reveal items that have been in “In Transit” status for over 2 weeks. Please check your shelves for items not correctly checked in. Download: in transit too long – 12/9/2024
To receive a copy of this report, please open a ticket. We will no longer post patron data to our website for security reasons. Requested copies will be provided within 2 working days.
MHLS tech support can reset your password M-F 8:30am-4:30pm. Please ask your library director to open a ticket by emailing For emergency instances when MHLS is closed, your Director may have a generic login in place or you can use the login of another staff member. Anyone who shares a login should immediately change their password, once your login has successfully opened. Please keep your password confidential and secure.
In most cases the issue with Sierra is related to the internet access. If your Sierra application does not start. Follow these steps to troubleshoot:
- Is internet access available: Open an internet browser and search for “time and date”. If the results show the correct time and date, your internet is likely working to some degree. Close all Sierra attempts that may be in progress and start a new session.
- If you have internet, you have the option of using the Sierra web based client. The web client will be exactly like using Sierra from your desktop. If you don’t have internet access you will need to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and skip to #3.
- Offline circulation is an option if the first two options are not successful.
All ports in use means that the licenses assigned to your library are all currently in use or hung up because of a internet service blip or some other interruption in the Client/Server connection. Within 10 minutes, the port should reset itself. M-F 8:30am-4:30pm MHLS tech support can reset the port for you in less time if you call 845-471-6060 x240. System wide there is no longer a shortage of licenses, the limitation will always be related to the number of available licenses owned by your library. It may be that another staff member is using more licenses than you are aware of by running create lists searches or having multiple sessions open. Please check with colleagues to ensure that an available license should be accessible.
There is not much that MHLS staff can do to help you if your internet service is down. Once you have tested a few sites and are certain you have no access to the internet, you should contact your provider to see if there are outages in the area.
While your service is down, you can use offline circulation. Once your service is restored, you can upload your transactions, delete the transactions after your upload is sent, and go back to the regular Sierra Desktop Application.
Your Director can provide emergency contact information for your Internet Service Provider. Most can access your account to check the service using your primary telephone number.