Title | Text | when |
Year to date update | On the first of the year all totals in the Year to Date Circulation (YTD) will be moved to Last Year circ (LYR), replacing the numbers stored there from the previous year. | 1/1 |
Patron record purge | Patrons whose cards have been expired for 3+ years and fine fines less than $10 will be deleted. Information will be extracted to an excel sheet and stored. | Week 3 |
Title | Text | when |
Suppress items | The cataloging department will suppress all items that have a status of ‘Lost & Paid’, ‘Discard’ or ‘Claims returned’, which not been updated for 3 months, in the third week of March. The items will not be deleted. Changing the annual report code to “n – suppress”, simply keeps them from displaying in the public catalog. This was approved by the DA in June of 2015. | Week 3 |
Title | Text | when |
Suppress items | Suppress ‘Lost & Paid’, ‘Discard’, ‘Claims Returned’ older than 3 months [DA 6/2015] | Week 3 |
Title | Text | when |
Suppress items | The cataloging department will suppress all items that have a status of ‘Lost & Paid’, ‘Discard, or ‘Claims returned’, which not been updated for 3 months , in the third week of September. The items will not be deleted. Changing the annual report code to “n – suppress”, simply keeps them from displaying in the public catalog. This was approved by the DA in June of 2015. | Week 3 |
Title | Text | when |
Suppress Items | The cataloging department will suppress all items that have a status of ‘Lost & Paid’, ‘Discard’, or ‘Claims returned’, which not been updated for 3 months, in the third week of December. The items will not be deleted. Changing the annual report code to “n – suppress”, simply keeps them from displaying in the public catalog. This was approved by the DA in June of 2015. | Week 3 |
Suppress items | The MHLS Catalog Department will be suppress items that have not been updated in 3 years and have a status of ‘Missing in Transit’, ‘On Search’, ‘Repair’, or ‘Billed’ In the third week of December. | Week 3 |