Observation: Some records display a range of dates for the publication date of a work because of the way different editions and formats “roll up” together. This is generated by including all years when editions and formats of a work were published or copyrighted, but this might create confusion in some cases, such as when patrons expect to see only one date associated with a given season of a TV show.
In Encore, the original copyright date is in brackets, which may be preferred.
Reported: 11/04/2021
Resolution: Expanding the Edition information section will show the various publication dates of a given format, including the original copyright date.
The display is different in Encore because each bibliographic record is completely separate, while in Vega, they “roll up” in order to show patrons all possible manifestations of the same work.
To display only one date, a new setting would have to be added to show only the earliest publication/copyright date (that exists in the MHLS catalog, which would not necessarily be the original date of publication) or to display both a range of publication dates and the earliest date.
Note: the label has been fixed from “publicationinfo” to “Published.”