Description: Sierra Inter-Library Loan (ILL) is currently used for placing holds that are Not available within MHLS or SEAL (SouthEastern Access to Libraries). The holds will be requested in OCLC by MHLS staff. Titles available in MHLS should be ordered internally with Sierra Holds, and Items available in SEAL should be ordered by the member library through SEAL.
- Do not order items that are available for purchase at less than $25 (new). The member library must check Amazon for the price of the item. (as per the MHLS Directors Association as of 10/1/11)
- MHLS ILL cannot accept requests for popular, readily available DVDs and music CDS.(as per the MHLS Directors Association as of 1/1/09)
- Only non-Fiction DVDs can be loaned or borrowed through MHLS ILL .
The ILL module is being introduced only for OCLC requesting only. later we hope to expand the service to encompass SEAL.