OverDrive Cost-per-circ (CPC)

Cost-per-circ is a purchasing model available for many OverDrive titles.
CPC titles added to your Advantage Collection may be borrowed simultaneously by multiple patrons.

Add CPC Copies

In the OverDrive Marketplace, visit the CPC shop by clicking on the arrow next to the SHOP menu and select “Cost Per Circ”


Titles that appear in this shop will display their cost per circ prices, which can vary greatly depending on the book. OverDrive will invoice your account on a monthly basis for your CPC checkouts.

Setting a CPC Budget

You don’t have to worry about demand for CPC copies exceeding what your library can afford, as you have the option to cap your budget at any amount you choose.

In the Cost-per-circ shop, click on “CPC monthly budget” from the left side menu to set your monthly budget amounts for each format.

Checkout Limits

Users may borrow 3 CPC titles per format per month. (3 audiobooks, and 3 ebooks)
This limit is set at the consortium level and cannot be customized for individual libraries.

Ptype Restriction

No need to be concerned about CPC checkouts from users system-wide. Only patrons with a ptype that matches the patrons served by your Advantage account will be able to see your available CPC titles and check them out.

CPC copies will not appear to your patrons if they are logged out of their account, nor to anyone logged in as a patron of another library.
If you are considering using a CPC title for a book club selection, be aware that if any bookclub members are from another neighboring town, your library’s CPC copies will not be available to them to borrow.
Please note: If you signed a Public Library Connect agreement with your local school districts, the students would also have the same access as your Advantage patrons.

Possible reasons for holds on CPC copies:

Filling holds with CPC copies

If you have several patrons on the wait list for a title when you add a CPC copy,  your CPC budget for the month will first be used to fill outstanding holds for your patrons.
If your budget is enough to satisfy all outstanding holds, each patron will get a notice that their hold is ready for checkout, and that amount of your monthly CPC budget will be reserved for them until they check it out or the 3-day checkout window expires.
If your budget is not enough to satisfy all outstanding holds, OverDrive will notify as many patrons as the budget will allow in the order that the holds were placed.
Patrons still have the option to suspend or delay their checkout within 3 days as they always do. If a patron postpones their checkout, or does not act within the 3-day checkout period, the CPC cost will no longer be reserved for that checkout.
If there are more local holds that can be satisfied by a CPC copy, OverDrive will notify the next patron in the queue.
If there are no more holds, CPC copies will appear to Advantage patrons as Available for checkout so long as there are funds remaining in the budget.

Revoking CPC copies

To remove all CPC copies, select “revoke all” in the CPC shop next to the link for the Manage Budget options.
To select specific titles to revoke, go to the CPC shop, and do an Advanced search.
Limit the “Holdings” to Adv: Owned as CPC, and it should give you a list of all the CPC titles you have offered.
In the list that it generates, select the “Revoke” option near the price to remove it from your CPC offerings.