Guidelines for OverDrive Collections
Reports & Purchasing
- Get Help with Marketplace Reports – how to gather your own OverDrive usage statistics by library
- Marketplace Help from OverDrive
- How to Purchase Content Credit
- Shelf Express – automated cart creation lists
- Lending Models
- Cost per circ
Marketing and Promoting
- Resource center – training and marketing materials
- Lucky Day – designate no-holds copies in your collection
- Advantage Curation – Build your own custom homepage for your Advantage patrons
- Sora– The OverDrive app for K-12 Students
Mid-Hudson Library System patrons now have expanded access to OverDrive materials through a Reciprocal Lending Agreement (RLA) with the Upper Hudson Library System (UHLS), Southern Adirondack Library System (SALS) and the Mohawk Valley Library System (MVLS).
MHLS patrons can continue to use our OverDrive collection through the Libby app and the OverDrive website as they always have, but they now also have additional options to search the three neighboring library system collections and borrow materials from those as well.

MHLS Directors Association approved participation with UHLS on 2/18/21 and affirmed the parameters on 2/3/22. On 2/9/2023, the Directors Association approved further expansion to include MVLS and SALS.
How to access the expanded content:
- Access Additional Collections in the Libby App
- Access Additional Collections on the OverDrive Website
Get the word out / Marketing Materials
Will visitors have access to the entire collection of the other system?
No, visitors will only have access to titles available under the One Copy/One User lending model, and certain metered access titles that are metered by time only, or by earlier of time or checkout.
Which formats/lending models are excluded from the RLA?
Visitors will not have access to:
• Metered Access by checkout
• Metered Access concurrent use
• Cost Per Circ
• Copies included in Lucky Day collections
• Magazines or other materials in the simultaneous use model
• Databases and streaming media
What will patrons see when something is unavailable?
When visitors are logged in, titles that are not eligible for checkout will not appear in their search results.
If a visitor navigates to a title that is not available to to them (such as by viewing the collection before logging in, or clicking on a direct link) and attempts to check it out, they will see an error message that only the home library card holders can borrow that title.
Can visitors place holds?
No, visitors will not be able to place holds outside of their home library system. Access will be limited to available materials when they are not in use on loan.
Can visitors renew their loans?
Yes, as long as there is no one else waiting for the title, a visitor will be able to renew their copy.
How many titles can be borrowed at one time?
MHLS, UHLS, and SALS each allow users to borrow up to 10 checkouts at once. MVLS allows up to 4 checkouts. The limits set by each system will function independently. Checkouts borrowed from other systems will not count against the MHLS 10 item limit. Likewise, checkouts from MHLS will not count against the limits set by the other systems.
Will settings applied to an MHLS account carry over to the other RLA collections?
Any settings you configure in the Libby app (accessibility options, notifications, etc.) will be applied to all library systems linked to your account.
Settings that you apply on the website version (default lending period, display options, etc.) will only apply for the specific collection associated with them. If you want the same settings on all collections, you will have to configure them separately for each site.
Will statistics be available for visitor usage?
The MHLS OverDrive reports for Checkouts, Unique Users, and New Users will include usage from UHLS visitors. Reports will include a column designating home or visitor activity. These statistics will be included in the monthly report generated by MHLS staff posted at the top of this page.
MHLS accounts will not be able to run reports to find the activity of MHLS patrons in the UHLS collection. MHLS and UHLS staff will work together to share statistics with each other.
Will students accessing the MHLS collection through Sora’s Public Library Connect feature have access to the RLA collections?
No, Public Library Connect users will only have access to their home library system’s collection at this time. They will not see options to access additional content from other systems.
- Magazines available in MHLS OverDrive platform since February 1st, 2021
- More than 5,000 magazine titles are currently available
- Titles in Overdrive are available for simultaneous use with no circulation limits or caps
- Magazines are funded by Central Library and all titles will be included in our central shared account, and therefore available to all users
- Up to three years of back issues will be included where availability exists.
Marketing resources:
Printable sticker sheet
Read on Libby flyer
Read on Libby bookmarks
Central Library Development Aid (CLDA) and Central Book Aid (CBA) is used to support system-wide Overdrive Services
Funds are used for:
- Providing the OverDrive platform for all member libraries in the Mid-Hudson Library System
- Adding supplemental copies of titles with system-wide high demand
CLDA & CBA Funds [updated 2019]