Series titles issue

Observation: With the addition of series links in Vega, there is now the issue that publisher-specific or format-specific series names are being pulled from one bib record and shown for the entire roll-up. These series are more like collections and often apply to only one particular edition instead of the entire work. The series link should show a series name that is true for the entirety of the work, not one particular manifestation.

Additionally, this sometimes leads to a publisher series being displayed for a work and superseding the name of an actual bibliographic series. Patrons may benefit from links to both kinds of series, but they are more likely to want and expect a link to other works in a serialized story.

Not only is this inaccurate at the roll-up level, but we believe that it is not patron-friendly.

Reported: 04/11/2022

Status: MHLS has reported the issue to Innovative and is investigating whether cataloging changes can help differentiate collections from actual series.

Resolution: TBD

This book is part of the Kinsey Millhone Mystery series, but the "G.K. Hall large print book series" tag is preferred in the roll up.