Serials – The structure of a serials record

There are 6 potential tabs associated with each Bibliographic record when the holdings tab is accessed in a record display.

  1. Summary tab: In this tab it is possible to view a summary list of all Holdings records attached to a specific Bibliographic record.
  2. Record tab: This tab displays the Holdings record (including the fixed-length and variable-length fields associated with the selected Holdings record.
  3. Card tab: This tab displays the Checkin card for the record. The display of the card contains a box (or line) for each individual issue of that serial.
  4. Holdings tab: This tab displays holdings information (the volumes or issues the Library owns in the library collection for the Holdings record which was selected from the summary tab display.
  5. Routing tab: The use of this tab is optional, and may display the list of individuals to whom this serial is routinely routed after receipt.
  6. Biblevel holds tab: This tab provides the optional functionality of placing holds for a particular title.