Reading History for OverDrive & Libby

OverDrive website (
If patrons have previously enabled reading history in their account on the OverDrive website, this is where they can find the most complete list of all checkouts made on that card, whether borrowed through the OverDrive app, in Libby, or on the website interface. Patrons who have opted-in to this feature will continue to have access to this list through the OverDrive website.

Patrons who have not yet opted-in can still enable it on the OverDrive website at any time, but it will only keep track of checkouts from that point forward, there is no way to retrieve reading history from earlier if the setting was turned off.


OverDrive App (To be sunset May 1st, 2023)
For patrons that have opted into the reading history and have been using the OverDrive app, the app will save a local copy of the borrowing and download history, just for titles that have been borrowed through that interface on that device. Users can export this history from the OverDrive app to save it for their own record, but the list may be incomplete if the user has installed the app on multiple devices, or has used Libby or their web browser for other checkouts/downloads.

To download a copy of this list, see device-specific instructions on this page under “Exporting your OverDrive app download history”

The history cannot be imported into Libby directly, but could be recreated by applying tags to each title

Note: If the patron has not opted into the OverDrive reading history on their website account, the OverDrive app will not retain their history.

Libby app
Upon first logging into the Libby app, the timeline will be enabled by default, whether the reading history is turned on for the account or not. This will record any checkouts borrowed through the Libby app. Any future checkouts made by that user account outside of Libby, such as through the OverDrive website or directly through the MHLS online patron catalog, will be synced in the app to have a complete list going forward. There is not a way to restore activity to the timeline from before the patron installed the Libby app.

 If the user does not want their activity tracked, they must opt out – see this page for more information. The user may also wish to clear their existing activity by using these steps.