Item Record – All Fields Explained

All Fields Explained:

“Not Checked Out” (font at top of record): This area tells you the status of the item (checked out, checked in, missing, etc.)

COPY #: How many copies there are.

ICODE1: Content of material.

ANNUAL RPT: Annual Report category.

I TYPE: Format and hold rule.

PRICE: Amount to be charged if lost.

OUT DATE: Date check out.

OUT LOC: Where the item was checked out.

DUE DATE: Date due back.

PATRON#:  Patron who has item.**

LPATRON: Previous patron who had item.**

LCHKIN: Date item was last checked in.

INVDA: Inventory date.

IN LOC: Terminal where the item was checked in.

# RENEWALS: Number of renewals.

 #OVDNOTICE: Number of overdue notices sent.

ODUE DATE: Date of overdue notice.

IUSE3: Internal use counter.

RECAL DATE: Not used.

TOT CHKOUT: Total checkouts for this item (includes GEAC stats).

TOT RENEW: Total renewals for this item (includes GEAC stats).

LOUTDATE: Previous out date.

LOCATION: Owning library.

LOANRULE: Loan period.

STATUS: Availability of item.

INTL USE: Internal use counter.

COPY USE: Internal use counter. IMESSAGE Internal message.

OPACMSG: Not used.

YTD CIRC: Circs this year.

LYRCIRC: Last years circ.

AGENCY: Not used.

CALL #: Call # of item at specific location.

AT KEY: Not used.

BARCODE: Barcode of individual item.

INT NOTE: Internal note.

GEAC L CIR:C Data used in migration only.

OLD SCAT: Migrated from GEAC.

**Double click on this will bring up patron information