Encore 6.0 release upgrade date coming soon.
Encore 5.6 March 29, 2023
Highlighted Fixes in Encore 5.6
The following known issues are fixed in Encore 5.5:
Encore Mobile: “Search catalog” displays in English when logged in
After a patron logs in, Encore Mobile always displays “Search catalog” inside the search box, instead of the translated string for the patron’s language.
Updated settings not reflected in Encore
The utility that syncs settings from Sierra to Encore every night is unable to sync correctly when a newer version of OpenSSH is installed on the Sierra App server.
- Encore record display does not show BILLED status for billed items
When an item is checked out and billed, the Encore record display shows the item’s due date but not the BILLED status.
Encore 5.5 installed November 17, 2022
Highlighted Fixes in Encore 5.5
The following known issues are fixed in Encore 5.5:
- Unable to Modify Holds in Encore/WebPAC when hold amount exceeds 200
- Some Autosuggest keywords retrieve no results
- Year limit not applied correctly for EDS
- Format or Collection limits with numeric codes and search strings in parentheses
- eContent holds display “Due on” instead of “Hold placed on.
- Long holdings fields from checkin records (MARC 863 or 866) are truncated
- Sorting in Format drop-down menu on Advanced Search page
- Title, Call Number & Volume Fields don’t wrap when call number and volume field are long
- Duplicate entries on the last page of search results
- Cannot email some EDS citation titles from the Encore bookcart
- Autosuggest “Search” always displays in English
- Encore facet Each index rule, which indexes every occurrence of the subfield, is not working
- Patron expiration message is not internationalized in Encore
System change in Encore 5.4
- Beginning September 1, 2021, EBSCO will begin enforcing HTTPS for all requests sent to the EDS API. Encore Duet has been modified to support HTTPS.
Highlighted Fixes
Requires Sierra version 5.4 or later
- Fixed issue with Syndetics cover images not displaying correctly when using an ISSN to retrieve the image.
- Fixed issue with when a link sends mobile users to the Encore My Account page (/iii/encore/myaccount), their first login attempt does not send them to My Account as expected.
- Fixed issue where sorting bib records by title on the results page, Encore is placing records that start with numbers in incorrect alphabetical order.
- Fixed styling issues with the text that appears between the buttons and the table in the Holds, Checkouts, Reading History, and Fines sections of the Encore patron account page.
- Fixed issue of when trying to access bibs with many item records attached, the software is throwing a java error and not allowing users to expand the list of items.
- Fixed UI issue with the Reading History page in the Encore patron account found in Encore 5.2. If a user has more than one page of Reading History for their patron account, which is the case if they have more than 50 items in their Reading History, then the links to navigate between pages of Reading History in the Encore patron account are not styled in a user friendly manner. Each page navigation link appears on a separate line, so they are effectively stacked vertically on top of each other.
- Fixed issue where if a user performs an Advanced search for a specific keyword slice (e.g. Title) and then clicks on the “Search Found In” facet to limit to the same field, Encore will not display results.
- Fixed issue where inputting valid email addresses with a newer top-level domain into the email record function in Encore causes an invalid email error to be displayed.
- Fixed issue where the labels for the MARC21 fields 853-878 – Holdings Data-General Information in checkin records cannot be translated into French (and other languages by implication) in the Encore record display.
- Fixed access issue with Google Books Preview in Encore.
- Fixed issue with some in-scope locations not displaying under the Location facet when viewing scope-limited search results in Encore.
- Fixed an issue where the subject fields in records harvested from an institutional repository into Encore, or in ERM resource records, will not appear under the Subject facet in Encore because they are currently not indexed into the part of the keyword index used by that facet.
- Fixed issue where Encore is permitting bib-level holds on bibliographic records that have volume records attached.MHL
Encore 5.3 in general release April 2021
Fixed in Encore 5.3
Accessibility: Selecting facets in Encore search results Selecting or unselecting a facet on the Encore search results page causes the page to reload, but no indication of this is given to vision-impaired users using assistive technologies to interact with Encore. | Since Encore 5.1 | Fixed in Encore 5.3 |
Some records do not display OverDrive samples correctly When a bib record does not have an 864 “Excerpt” link, Encore downloads an EPUB file instead of displaying the sample in a new browser tab. | Since Encore 5.0 | Fixed in Encore 5.3 |
Back button not working properly with My Account Holds When navigating from the Holds section of My Account to a record in the holds list and then back (using the browser back button), the holds list is not populated. | Since Encore 5.0 | Fixed in Encore 5.3 |
Encore 5.2
Feature changes
- Starting with Encore 5.2, it is now a requirement that the same release version is running on Sierra before Encore is installed. Sierra 5.2 is the prerequisite for Encore 5.2.
Highlighted Fixes
- Fixed a redirection problem in Encore 5.1 where if Encore is configured to redirect to another site (such as the library website) when the session times out, you might experience issues with accessing Encore the very first time you try to access it in a brand new session
- Fixed a problem with My Lists not correctly redirecting to Encore but WebPAC
- Fixed a problem where the 264|c field is not being read if there are brackets surrounding the date
- Fixed a problem where logo images that are from an HTTPS source are not copied over to the Encore Server after the location is saved in the Admin App
- Fixed a problem with 100 subfield e terms not being stripped from author searches from full record display in Encore Mobile
- Fixed a problem with Encore not displaying multiple 250 fields
- Fixed a problem where the tilde item status causes Time to Reshelve table to not work in Encore
- Fixed a problem when an item with more than 1 hold is on the Holdshelf, Encore doesn’t show the additional holds.
- Fixed an UI issue with hit sort count for a facet
- Fixed a problem with full metadata not displaying in harvested records when dc field contains dashes, colons, etc.
- Fixed an issue so that suppressed records are now taken into account in Encore relevancy rankings
- Fixed a problem where the translated title was not displaying in the full record after adding the 242 MARC tag to the webpub.full.def file
- Fixed a problem where the 880 field was being duplicated for Chinese vernacular characters
- Fixed a problem where Online Availability and Format Facets were displaying improper result counts
- Fixed a problem where clicking on the ‘i’ symbol from patron alerts was taking the user to the mobile view instead of the patron account page
- Fix made to make an element’s ID unique in the DOM (4) – there are 2 div ids with ‘DialogComponent’
- Fixed a problem with the print link not resulting in a full printing of customer account data for the selected account information when using Firefox or IE or Edge
- Fixed a problem where Encore sometimes displays a page reporting “you have clicked on a stale link” when attempting to conduct a search from the Encore home page
Encore 5.0
Feature changes
- Removed hit counts for “peer reviewed” and “full text” limiters
Highlighted Fixes
- Fixed a problem where items were missing from the location drop-down menu in Encore advanced search screen.
- Fixed a problem where Location and Collection facets no longer sorted alphabetically by default.
- Added translation configuration for “AND” / “OR” that displays in the Encore search results, facet column, after applying a few facets.
- Fixed a problem where clicking on a bib record on the Encore search results page generated a tapestry exception that displayed in the browser.
- Fixed a problem where additional Author field was not creating linked searches in Encore.
- Fixed a problem with Location and Collection facets not sorting alphabetically by default.